In The Gay Bar – Poetry

I don't wanna be horrible

But I said and she said

And do you know what I said

And no one said

And nothing was said horribly about

I'm an 8 out of 10 if you ask me

And you know it's not that bad

It's so off colour it's not even real

I'm sorry I did that

And why are you texting me about tonight

Look at your eyes



This is a found poem made up of snippets of different conversations I heard in The Kings on Saturday night. I found them quite entrancing. These photos bellow are what was written on the toilet door I was looking at as I listened to the people around me. I thought they opitomised the tone of the conversations.


Urban Art Number Two: The Best Street in Cardiff

My best friend and I were walking to the camping store last week to get last minute festival necessities and we stumbled upon the best two streets in Cardiff (except for any street with a bookshop, they obviously trump any other street). This is some of the best urban art I’ve ever seen. A five minute walk took us almost twenty as I spent time looking at all the art and taking copious amount of photographs. So here are some of my favourite pieces of art and I would highly recommend you find this street. I won’t tell you the exact location because things like this are always better stumbled upon.

This one give you a bit of an idea where we are at, love all the empty barrels and the awesome art behind it
Gangster Daffy Duck number 1
Gangster Daffy Duck – didn’t know Daffy was hip in the spray painting world.
This one completely snuck up on me. Can’t believe it was done with spray paint.
He must be more cool than I thought!
This is awesome! and reminds me of Karl Pilkington when he visits Mexico in An Idiot Abroad, Although Karl is a bit thiner and looks alot less tough.
He’s going to eat me :/
It's beyond me how people can do this, so much talent!
It’s beyond me how people can do this, so much talent!
Dog and Bombs
This reminded me of a Dr Who villain
This reminded me of a Dr Who villain
Running Robot?
Don’t have a clue what this says but I thought it was beautiful. And it was the last piece of art in the street.